2,000 women around the world acquire HIV daily!

HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest threats to women’s health.
Every day, nearly 2,000 women around the world acquire HIV.
In sub-Saharan Africa where the epidemic has hit hardest, HIV is spread primarily through heterosexual sex, and women (during vaginal sex) are more likely to be infected than men. Nearly 60% of all new HIV infections in the region occur among women and girls.
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for women of reproductive age (15-49) worldwide.
HIV/AIDS is also one of the leading causes of death for pregnant women and mothers in developing countries, and is a major barrier to global efforts to reduce maternal mortality.
Why are Women and Girls More Vulnerable to HIV?
Biology: Biologically, women are more likely than men to acquire HIV during vaginal intercourse. Adolescent girls, whose reproductive systems are not fully developed, are especially susceptible to becoming infected during sex.
Globally, young women ages 15-24 are twice as likely to be living with HIV as young men of the same age. In sub-Saharan Africa, young women are more than twice as likely to acquire HIV as young men.
Gender inequities: This is often compounded by cultural, legal and political factors that impede a woman’s ability to protect herself from HIV.
Due to these disparities, many women and girls are often unable to control when or with whom they have sex, or to persuade their husbands or partners to use condoms. Neither option is realistic for women who are at risk of sexual violence or who would like to have children.
Marriage is often no protection. Many new HIV infections occur in women who are married or in long-term relationships with one partner. In Kenya, many more married and widowed women are living with HIV than those who have never been married. In Zambia, married or cohabiting people are estimated to account for as much as 60% of new HIV infections.
Complementing Existing Strategies.
IntimacyKit specifically addresses the needs of women in some of the world’s most at-risk areas and expands the HIV & STI prevention toolkit by complementing existing methods. These include the smart social network & ecommerce platform, the ZOOM virtual safe-sex education class, male and female prophylactics & subliminal & direct reminder to the heterosexual & LGBTQ groups on the platform .
Empowering Women, Empowering Families
Because there will be no single solution to stopping HIV, multiple prevention options are needed to achieve epidemic control. IntimacyKit helps in expanding the range of prevention options for women and amplify the public health impact of other prevention methods.
Ultimately, this is good news for everyone, because improving women’s sexual and reproductive health means women can lead healthier, more productive lives, which benefits their families and communities, around the world.
We would like to send out 4000 IntimacyKits to Africa, With your help we can reach this goal and help empower, educate and protect young adults around the world!